WordPress Static Front Page Fix

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  • Post category:Blog

If you have a static front page using WordPress (like we do), and you’re using WordPress 3 (like we are), and you have a HUGE problem pop up out of nowhere where the home page for your site starts linking to the WRONG page (like we did), check to see if you have the Redirections plugin installed.
If you do, that’s your problem – and we pretty much took our site to pieces today tracking down the problem. Turns out that the latest release of this plugin is causing the issue.

Here’s the fix. Go into your WP Admin site, go to Tools -Redirection, then click on options, then set URL Monitoring to “don’t monitor.”

Be aware that turning this off means that if you change the URL to any of your posts or pages, the plugin won’t see it to know to set up redirections to the new URLs (which is, sadly, one of the biggest reasons to use the plugin).

Now, that stops the problem from happening again, but you still have to fix the existing problem with your front page. While on the same browser window, click groups. You should see a category named “Modified posts.” Click it, and then look for “/” – that’s the redirect you need to delete. If it’s not there, or you deleted the redirection and it’s still screwing up your site, disable the plugin and see if that helps. The plugin author also has a bug tracker and support forums you can find more help.

Hopefully a new release will fix this issue.